April 25, 2024

7 Health Science Degrees to Pursue Online

The field of health sciences is growing every year, adding more jobs to an industry that provides a lot of room for advancement and career growth. Many of the jobs require internships or fieldwork that can make attending the classes and obtaining the degrees somewhat difficult, but luckily there is a multitude of degrees that offer online classes to help with scheduling. Below are seven health science degrees to pursue online.

1. Nursing – Nursing is one of the most popular in the science field that is offered online. Nurses are the backbone of hospitals and can create great career paths for themselves both in hospitals as well as in other medical institutions.

2. Radiology – Obtaining a radiology degree is somewhat of a lengthy process but leads to a great profession. Make sure to volunteer in the field or an outreach program to set yourself apart from the competition.

3. Nutrition Science – If topics such as dietary needs and food research interest you, pursuing an online degree in nutrition sciences could be a great option. This degree can lead to jobs as a dietician, a food planner, or even a food scientist.

4. Sonography – Getting a degree in sonography is somewhat similar to radiology. Sonographers perform ultrasounds to diagnose internal issues, such as muscles and tendons. It is a very important career path and can help catch internal issues early on that could ultimately have lasting effects.

5. Physical therapy – This career path is a great option for someone interested in science but also enjoys a lot of human interactions. These professionals are with clients every day, helping rehabilitate them from any number of injuries, from surgery to broken bones. They must have great interpersonal skills and serve as a part mental and emotional therapist as well as a physical therapist.

6. Occupational therapy – These therapists help patients overcome a disability, whether it be mental, physical, or developmental. They often work closely with physical therapists and other therapeutic professionals to ensure the patient is fully treated.

7. Public health – Obtaining a public health degree will allow you to keep many options open and pursue several different opportunities within the health field, including client-facing positions as well as more administrative positions. This is a good option for someone who isn’t entirely sure the exact career they wish to pursue.

The field of health science is home to several degrees that can truly make a positive impact on the world. With the growing number of degrees being made available online, obtaining such a degree is becoming more and more accessible. If you have an interest in science and want to help others, pursuing an online degree in health science is a great opportunity to consider.

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. Lizzie enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball.

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